Samsung q1 Mod

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Joined:Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:33 am
Samsung q1 Mod

Post by kansurr » Sat May 11, 2013 9:59 am


I was wondering if anyone thought it was possible to replace the cpu on my samsung q1, and if so, with what processor do you think I could do it. I got this thing about 5-7 years ago, and I loved it. Great for portable gaming, with windows. Plenty of emulators and create my own games and everything great. The problem is the cpu is terrible. It has 2 gb ram, so I think the memory is enough, but 800 mhz processor is just slowwwwwww.

I dont use it anymore, so if I break it trying it wouldnt be the end of the world. I did some google searches and couldnt find anything, I figure its probably soldered on there so i would have to do do that.

Current CPU: Intel Ultra Mobile Processor A110

Let me know if you have other questions, I attached a pic of the inside, but its small and hard to see
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