Portablizing injuries. (Or Injuries at all)

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Electric Rain
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Post by Electric Rain » Sat Jul 28, 2007 9:52 pm

Triton wrote:*a bunch of injuries*
Dude... why aren't you dead yet? :?

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Post by Triton » Sat Jul 28, 2007 10:16 pm

really damn good question! a religious person would say "by the grace of god" i say a surplus of good karma and just plain good luck! or something to that effect lol

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Post by daguuy » Mon Jul 30, 2007 2:49 pm

This one time, I stepped on a sharp sticker ball and got a splinter :cry:

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Post by nightwheel » Mon Jul 30, 2007 8:04 pm

daguuy wrote:This one time, I stepped on a sharp sticker ball and got a splinter :cry:
Thats a Sweet Gum Tree for ya.

Who knows if the Namco Portable will ever become a reality? :P

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Post by vskid » Mon Jul 30, 2007 10:06 pm

I've been pretty lucky with the injuries (or lack of) that I've had. Of course I have the usual cuts, scrapes, and burns associated with modding, usually with at least one fading scar on each arm/hand at any given time, generally a few.
My only broken bone was when I was about 8 and I crashed on my bike and broke my left wrist (I think it was more like a bad jamming but it was called a break). Didn't really affect me much because I'm a righty and I just had a brace for a couple months.
Last year I was at a Halo party at my friend's house and we needed another controller, so since I lost the round and was the only one with a bike, I got to go to someone's house to get a controller. One my way back, I went around a corner too fast and since I only had one hand one the handbars, they spun around, I fell over, and scraped my right elbow pretty good. My right knee was barely even scratched. A guy I know saw me wipe out and he thought I was going to be messed up, but it was just my elbow. The scar is still there (I think theres a rock stuck in it) and it got ripped open several times last summer (once as I tripped while running all out on dirt playing CTF, that pumped it full of dirt pretty good), so it hasn't had the easiest time healing.
Right now I have a quarter-sized piece of skin ripped/rubbed off the inside of my left knee. It happened when I was riding my bike, stood up on the pedals, leaned back and right at the same time, and scraped off the skin.

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Post by Electric Rain » Tue Jul 31, 2007 4:36 am

...I gouged out my eyes so I didn't have to look at the fat lady in daguuy's avatar. :lol:

Seriously though... let's see... I been pretty lucky too, I guess. I have a nickel-sized scar on my right hand from crashing my bike into a ditch a several years back.

Maybe a decade or so back, I was playing on a Jungle Gym, holding myself up out of the dome with my hands, and I slipped, fell through the hole and bashed my chin on the bar on the way down. That bled pretty bad and I needed a few stitches which the doctor said wouldn't be visible in a few months. Well, they are, many years later. I can feel the little bump too.

When I was two I was trying to fix the AC wiring of a lamp and got electrocuted... blowing myself across the room and into the wall. :lol: (See, I was modding way back then!) My parents came running in when they heard the bang and supposedly I was fine... huh... I'm just now wondering where my parents were before I electrocuted myself. :lol:

I cut into my finger through my fingernail with a knife while modding my Guitar Hero controller last year. (There was a short/loose wire somewhere in the cord, so I cut out a hole and wired up an RJ-45 jack to the controller, made a little RJ-45 dongle with the decapitated PS2 controller connector end, attached them with a CAT5 ethernet cable and I was rocking out once again! :P ) That freaked me out a bit, 'cause I cut through my fingernail, but other than having to wait a month for my fingernail to grow back out to where I didn't have two halfs of a fingernail, it wasn't that bad of an injury I guess. It left a weird scar under my fingernail, but it went away quick.

The last injury I can think of that I've gotten is a belt sander wound given to me by my step-grandfather when we were working on a playscape in Michigan. That left probably a 1/4" by 2" scar on my left hand. Heh... it was funny, it didn't hurt at first and it didn't even bleed. He said he was sorry and a few people crowded around me asking if I was alright, I said, "Eh, yeah, I'm fine. No blood to pain, I guess." I few seconds later blood started gushing out and I said, "Oh wait..." :lol: It actually did start hurting then too. :P That was shortly after the Guitar Hero controller wound, in fact. I just finished modding the controller (mostly for my brother) the night before I had to leave I think. I still had two halfs of a fingernail while I was there. I was kinda messed up, 'cause I had to keep a Band-aid on the finger to keep that protected and let my fingernail heal together as much as possible, and I had to get a gauze wrap around my hand where the belt sander wound was. :lol:

I don't get out much or do very much so I never get that many major wounds. :P

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Post by gannon » Tue Jul 31, 2007 6:29 pm

Just got a 1/2"x~3/16" (deep) clean cut on my pinky by an x-acto knife. Probably gonna have to go to the hospital if it doesn't stop bleeding within the hour :P
Might try to find a camera, but shouldn't look too bad since I already cleaned it up.

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Post by ShockSlayer » Tue Jul 31, 2007 6:41 pm

Oh, ya i forgot to say: when i was really young, my mom wanted me to plug something in, and i did it while touching the contacts....

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Post by Klefmung » Tue Jul 31, 2007 7:33 pm

I pulled a muscle last night... can't kick people in the head for at least a week. I also have repeated shin injuries.
gannon wrote:hmm... *ponders about power abuse* :P
benheck wrote:Wow, guess I should have searched my own forums! Oh wait, I don't have to since the rules don't apply to me ;)

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Post by johnbjuice » Wed Aug 01, 2007 10:10 pm


When I was 8, I tripped and fell, dropping a pencil...it fell right under my knee and went straight to the bone. They took out the graphite, but I still have a scar and a dark mark on my knee.

When I was 10 I broke my wrist in a car door.

When I was 14 I broke my collarbone on a bike. I was riding on a dirt path when this guy shot by on a moped, knocking me over. He didn't even stop...luckily my friend was there.

When I was 15 I was in Jamaica, and they have no driving age on the jet skis. So I got to drive the jet ski with my dad on the back. Well my friend was there too on another jet ski and he was being kinda stupid...he was following me behind me and to the left...and I didn't realize it. I turned left, and he went right over me...my dad got a huge bruise on his leg and I got cuts on my leg and arm. Totaled our jet ski...luckily it wasn't too expensive...

- Juice 8)

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Post by vomitsaw » Fri Aug 31, 2007 3:15 pm

My apologies for reviving a topic which hasn't seen activity for nearly a month, but I almost started a similar topic just now, then thought "gee, I should probably search first". Which brings me here.


Solder in the eye. Heard/felt it fizzle out in my eyeball juices and everything.

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Post by Electric Rain » Fri Aug 31, 2007 3:38 pm

vomitsaw wrote:Solder in the eye. Heard/felt it fizzle out in my eyeball juices and everything.
:shock: Ow...

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Post by lifeisbetterwithketchup » Fri Aug 31, 2007 3:48 pm

Yowch! That's got to hurt pretty bad. Worst thing I've ever got in my eye was part of an exploding vanilla milkshake.
Rekarp wrote:
mako321 wrote:What makes you head ninja, anyways? :wink:
Cause I am Abe F#!@ing Lincoln. :mrgreen:

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Post by THON » Fri Aug 31, 2007 5:03 pm

Double post :?
Last edited by THON on Fri Aug 31, 2007 5:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by THON » Fri Aug 31, 2007 5:03 pm

vomitsaw wrote:My apologies for reviving a topic which hasn't seen activity for nearly a month, but I almost started a similar topic just now, then thought "gee, I should probably search first". Which brings me here.


Solder in the eye. Heard/felt it fizzle out in my eyeball juices and everything.
Damn! Are you partially blind in that eye or did you only burn part of the pupil? Problems with depth perception?

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