Anybody got any good movie ideas?

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Post by bicostp » Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:08 am

What if we did an animated video based off of NES, SNES, VCS, Genesis, or some other video system? It would probably be something like Projecto Golden Shower Video Computer System (Click that for the QuickTime version, here for the smaller, somewhat cruddier RealPlayer version, for you dial-up users. ;))

It could be based off of one character, like this movie is, but his looks change to match the system he's in. (ie. more detailed on the SNES, basically a stick figure on the VCS)

I think this would work because everyone could make a segment on it, regardless of weather they have a camera or not.

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Post by HomicidalBarber » Thu Sep 01, 2005 9:37 pm

I was thinking about recording Super Mario while playing it and green screening (with premier pro) a person over it and just looping clips and adding in the the jump clips when needed, I thought it might be cool. Im sure if you didnt know how to green screen you could find a tutorial, there are tutorials for everything

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Post by Shadeslayer » Sun Sep 04, 2005 3:52 pm

Or heres a random idea :idea: ...Just make your own superhero named like Joe Tylonal who will Fight Max Pain. Or you could do somthing like a movie based on your hobbies. Like my friend likes to skateboard but quit so we made a movie on why skateboarding is evil :evil: and stupid.

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Post by BloodNess » Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:23 pm

i got to agree with g-force, a portabilizer documentary. a la murderball, it would talk about the rising homebrew portabilizing scene... to hurry up with my "BloodNESp" (new name)
finally got motivated again to start a portable, which i have...but with many doubts :S

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Post by atkafighter » Sun Sep 04, 2005 10:21 pm

I always thought the King of Fighters series had great potential for a movie. For a fighting game there is a lot of backstory carefully weaving the characters together. Actually, it would have to be a series because of how much they would have to cover to do everything in the KOF series (its like 15 years of titles). It would be more like a soap opera until the tournaments but it would be pretty interesting. Too bad movie/game crossovers always suck.

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Post by Conn » Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:43 am

Well, that's cause the video game movies take the characters and names and base a movie around that.

And actually, KoF has an anime coming out.

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Post by warmachine » Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:20 am

I wrote a draft for a project in our senior drama class last year. It was called "In The Evening" and was a collection of local myths and horror stories. It was quite macabre and our teacher wouldn't let us film it due to "'Ring'-like" imagary. The list basically broke down into the following:

1. A sort of goatman who roams creekbeds in a rural town
2. A freakish man who partakes in morbid activities in the woods ('Ring'-like images were in this one)
3. A Cessna plane crash in the 1980s whose occupants were never found
4. A farm whose new owners (a family) are stalked by a demon-like quadraped (also 'Ring'-like images; too much effort/money would have been required to make said creature, so it probably never would have made it in)
5. A group of youth discover concrete tunnels beneath a small town which seemingly have no end and contain disturbing signs of inhabitance (once again, 'Ring'-like images)

When I say local, I speak of a metroplex of a few towns and smaller cities in North Texas, some no larger than 1,500 people. Some of these stories do have a degree of truth to them: the second, which was woven from a man who actually did do some weird stuff in the woods behind his property; the third, which grew out of an actual Cessna crash (which the occupants survived); and the fifth, which came from actual steam tunnels under part of a town near my place of residence (they only stem a few blocks, maybe 300 yards at most) built after World War II.

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Post by dj-spuddy » Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:31 am

I'm in the process of creating a movie with my friends it's called "The evil shed" And it's the most random film, for example for 2 minutes we destroy fruit to disco music and a guy accidentally comits suicide and they find out that the evil has transformed into a newb and he talks in leet speak and they have an r.p.g kind of fight. And they defeat him by blocking him from every forum and counter strike source server. It's really quite funny but i'm in the process of reviseing thescript for the third time.
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Post by EvilnessNMyVeins » Fri Sep 09, 2005 9:13 pm

I know is kinda old thread now but I like my Idea...

The Nerd Mafia is forcing you to make portable systems that they can sell (like drugs) to all the video game addicts living in back alleys cause their mom kicked them out when they were 33. All the mafia will have trench coats and be in suspenders with coke bottle glasses taped in the middle and both sides(like the six-string samurai). And when Ben tries to escape their oppresive nature they won't use guns, they will use star trek disc launchers.
Ben will use allergie bombs to spark their asthma.
Do this and intertwin some low level(like george lucas level) love story, protect family, revenge for falln family and you got a picture!

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Post by Triton » Sat Sep 10, 2005 9:52 am

my area has quite a few local myths that are very freak, some info can even be found about a few of them online (mars hill is one, a extremely creepy place with a freaky as hell backstory.) there uis a myth that may or may not hold some truth that goes back almost 200 years too, but i dont know it well enough to tell it, its was very freaky tho

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