Need some tips for building a PS2 portable.

Includes PS2, Xbox 1, GameCube (but not the Phantom Game Console)


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Joined:Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:06 pm
Need some tips for building a PS2 portable.

Post by Ranman » Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:19 pm

Hello! I'm looking for some help on building a PS2 portable. It doesn't really have to be handheld size. Since I do plan on using a fat version because I'm on a slight budget I'm hoping I could get some help on starting out. I have read around the forums a bit and most people put down the fat PS2 mostly cause it drains more power than the slim, and is harder to make portable obviously. Well what I plan to do is at least make it so that I can carry it around and simply play on the go. Somewhat like a laptop I guess. I need some help on what power supply to use (and how long it'd last) along with that some help on what screen to use, etc. The main point is I want to make a fat PS2 into a portable console. Sure the slim may be better but I rather work with what I got. Also I do know I probably sound extremely nubbish and that most people will probably just try to put me down but hey I just feel like starting something "slightly" new. I've had some experience with working around with consoles but I never actually fully taken it apart and turned it portable.
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