My project

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Joined:Wed Jul 28, 2010 7:31 pm
360 GamerTag:DarkReaper4786
My project

Post by DarkReaper4786 » Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:47 am

Okay well this is just a mock up for my xbox 360 laptop to make sure everything will fit so don't be too harsh. It will be cleaned up and look a lot better. Further tests I have done show that I will have enough room for a hd and controller in the top left portion of the case. I had things rewired so I will be using just one plug for the xbox and my screen. I changed my mind and decided to keep the xbox stock as you can see in the picture. I will be changing some more as time goes on and continue to tinker with it to come up with some new ideas. If you have any please feel free to suggest them. Thanks!
xbox case 2.jpg
xbox case 2.jpg (64.77KiB)Viewed 2744 times

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