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Re: Direct Cartridge Slot Relocation Pinout

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 8:33 pm
by ShockSlayer
For the record daftmikes pinout should work for a rev 5 board, I traced it today myself, except that the l and R audio pins go somewhere else, I'll post that up later though.


EDIT: and apparently pin 46 on the cart slot is connected to pin 32 on the AVDC

EDIT2: One more thing, I've looked a lot into the pinout, and from what I've learned is that daftmikes pinout seems to be correct, I've yet to find a contradicting board myself.

Re: Direct Cartridge Slot Relocation Pinout

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:30 pm
by ShockSlayer
This pinout is confirmed to WORK on a rev 5 board.