Building My Own Arcade Machine!

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Post by Nucklez » Thu Sep 27, 2007 1:52 pm

Hey guys, I've been gone for a while! Man, have you checked out I got lots of my info there while building my cabinets. Also, I've thought lots of the same things you have in setting this stuff up. I would suggest looking on ebay for some older Dell PCs for your computer. People are practically giving them away. I used a 17" CRT in my bartop arcade, and I'm using 19" CRTs in the full size cabinets that I have on my website. I haven't updated my site in a couple of months, and we've come a long way on those full size cabinets. I actually built my bartop cabinet from scratch from that smooth MDF or whatever. I'm not a carpenter so I can't remember what exactly it was, but it sure was heavy and pretty easy to patch with wood putty.

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Post by Mon1018 » Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:34 am

You can get the 7 hub.It's cheaper.

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Re: Building My Own Arcade Machine!

Post by LoyalistRevolt » Sat Apr 19, 2008 12:52 pm

HotDog-Cart wrote:Okay, Guys. I have decided to build my own "Mini" Arcade machine. It maybe full size, or Mini. I'm not to sure yet. Here's how I'm starting out.

19" LCD Monitor: $249
14-16" (Dunno what size) CRT Monitor: $100 (?)

Pentium 2 laptop (Or 3. But I think its a P2) Running Windows 98 SE: $200

Usb 4 or 7 Hub: $20-$25. (The 7 Hub is $20. The 4 Hub which is WAY smaller, is $25.) Which one should I go with?

USB Joystick: $28.00

So far, is this a good start?
I'm pretty sure that a P2 Windows 98 SE laptop, can run some NES and Genesis Emulation.

Which, USB Hub should I get? The 7 USB Slot, or the 4 USB slot?

Also, how can I make a disk that when inserted into the CDrom drive, automatically boots up the emulator and its games? (So I dont have to go through windows and such.)

Last but not least, does anyone know some "DIY/How To" websites, that show me how to make a Arcade machine out of wood? (Like, What type of wood to buy and such. Pictures would help.)


PS: I didn't want to post this in the arcade section, as its not a popular section. I need some good awnsers :p.

first off your making your self spent to much money go to Garage sales you can find much of that stuff for like 10 bucks thats were I got my CRT for 10 bucks and it looked brand new and worked like a dream....

sites that you WILL NEED!!!
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Post by conorregan81 » Fri Jun 27, 2008 12:53 am

here are some websites on how to build an arcade machine, i hope they help




(the last one has info on everything not just case construction.)

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Post by HotDog-Cart » Fri Jun 27, 2008 11:28 am

Why bump something thats so old? Please lock this thread.

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